Chi Ma Wan

A Walk in Chi Ma Wan
Miko Yeung
The abandoned prison in Chi Ma Wan was once a Vietnamese refugee camp, and saw riots and tear gases flowing...The serene and otherworldly Shap Long Reservoir was the major water source for Cheung Chau and Peng Chau… While the peaceful buffaloes form a great community in this little-known corner of Lantau! Take a walk with Miko and discover Chi Ma Wan’s rich little stories.
Chi Ma Wan (pier)
2021.03.27-03.28 (Sat-Sun) 14:20-17:10

Dried-leaf Ink Making
Sap Fong
Passing by the villages on the islands, you may notice the smell of burning leaves. Sweeping fallen leaves is a part of daily life for islanders - and Sap Fong's members, who live in a small village on Lantau. They burn the leaves into charcoal, add water, and grind the charcoal into ink. The colour made with dried leaves is a gift of nature. Sap Fong invites participants to look for the scent of burning leaves, enjoy the process of ink making under a tree, and use the ink to write down your feelings to nature.
Chi Ma Wan
2021.03.28 (Sun) 12:00-17:00
Cantonese & English

Open Sesame
Maoshan Connie
Many describe Hong Kong as a concrete jungle, but one can never deny just how many beautiful and precious hills and seas we have around us.
Let’s share stories – local stories and related picturebooks – under a beautiful old tree in Chi Ma Wan, while collecting passers-by and locals’ letters to their favourite trees. Maoshan Connie will illustrate participants’ chosen trees and display them on site, meanwhile uploading them to the ‘Dear Tree Mailbox’ online platform.
Chi Ma Wan
2021.03.27-03.28 (Sat-Sun)
Cantonese & English

渡 (portal)
Cheung Chau Wave
When we board the ferry to Cheung Chau we travel both physically and in our minds. This new online project curated by Cheung Chau Wave 浪長洲 aspires to augment and compliment the experience of the passengers, residents and visitors alike, by making a simple offering of artwork specially crafted for the journey.
What if, putting social media and tv aside for just a minute, we are reminded to look out the window and notice the world floating past whilst, for example, listening to a poem by a local artist? How can we bring art into our everyday, switching us into the present, and maybe even go sailing in our imagination?
With works of Au Tze Long 區子朗 [HK], Basil Hui [HK], Chantoneasy / Lism / Eco Cheung Chau [HK], Dan Carew [HK], EBMx [PH], Evan Binkley [HK], Finnalicious [PL], Gary Ng [HK], IZEN [HK], Knudsen / Jensen [NO / HK], Mokshajuana [HK], Nick Florent [HK], Patrick Ford [VN], Preston Hartwick [HK], Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze [HK], Sarah Greene [HK], Stefan Irvine [HK], Tomislav Marcijuš [HR], Wong Wei Him [HK], Xie Rong [UK/CN], Yasuhiro Ogawa [JPN].
Surprise location
2021.03.26-03.28 (Fri-Sun)
Cantonese & English

Natasza Minasiewicz, Valerie Portefaix, Charlotte Lafont-Hugo
Can Hong Kong afford to lose the breath of a true island? ‘URBAN ENTITY, PIER’ is a reflective walk from Mui Wo to Chi Ma Wan on Lantau Island, using the formation of the ferry pier as reference point for becoming aware of Hong Kong insular culture, the pier typology and simply in enhancing perception of the environment and social activities around it.
The pier here is a social space, spontaneously appropriated by us and other beings. That be seaweed, mussels, ghost nets or other things foraged on the spot, all doing aesthetical interventions of different kinds.
Format: A gentle hike from Mui Wo to Chi Ma Wan (3hrs) and an installation at the pier. We will take the ferry from Central to Mui Wo at 10:30am (ordinary ferry) and start the walk at 11:45am from Mui Wo. We will aim to arrive at Chi Ma Wan no later than 3:00pm in order to rest at the pier, talk and experience the installation. There will be a 4:20pm ferry to Cheung Chau and 5:10pm ferry to Mui Wo (Inter Island Ferry) for participants to choose from.
Alternatively participants can skip the hike and take a direct ferry to Chi Ma Wan from Mui Wo at 2:00pm.
Chi Ma Wan (Meeting point: Mui Wo Ferry pier)
2021.03.27(sat) 11:45 - 15:00
Meeting point on Sat, March 27 at 11.45am at Mui Wo Ferry Pier on Lantau Island - precisely the seating area by the big tree next to McDonald’s. Turn left after getting out of the ferry terminal and walk one minute.